Hand of God – Stripe

Spiritual Adoption Program

Your spiritual and financial adoption will change a young impoverished life

Your Commitment

$60 per month and commitment to pray for a child of God to change their life!

Studies have shown that people who had others praying for them healed more quickly and had better medical outcomes than those who did not have a prayer partner. Our kids need that spiritual partner to help them have a better outcome in their lives as well. We firmly believe in the power of prayer in the lives of young people.

We encourage you to adopt one of our kids spiritually and provide them with that extended family who supports them both in prayer and in finances. You can email them and have a real part in their lives as well as exchange video messages.


ou will prayerfully stand in the gap as a parent for your adoptive child

Spiritual Covering

You will act as a spiritual covering for your adoptive child

Monthy Donation

You will provide monthly support of at least $50.00 per month paid to Hand of God Ministries

Helping the Most Vulnerable

Blessed Beginnings

It is the policy of Hand of God Ministry not to put children younger than eight years old in the spiritual adoption program due to the very long commitment. People who choose to spiritually adopt one of our kids make a 10 to 12-year commitment that sees the child from age 9 to the beginning of college. Nevertheless, we have these young children who are so adorable and beautiful children of God. Our Blessed Beginnings programs allow donors to make a one-year commitment to children who are eight or younger. The Blessed Beginnings program is a very important way to give these children a healthy start.. Please pray for each and every one of these children.

The children that come to us at such a young age are usually born out of rape. Their mothers once raped are tossed out by a culture that punishes the victims of rape. Let’s be clear, children born out of rape are no less victims than their mothers. Their lives start at such a disadvantage. They are most certainly born into poverty and often are born with HIV. Their mothers don’t have the means to feed and often come to us in the hopes that we will take the children so they can be adopted in the US. Instead we feed them and watch them during the day while the mothers go look for work. When the mother comes back from a long day, we feed her too.

The Blessed Beginnings program seeks to acknowledge these children for what they are, gifts from God. They deserve no less than our very best. {Please sponsor a child for $30.00 a month so we can continue this life-saving work.

MARK 10:14

And they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, "Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."